Voices from Cuba: Yoel Suárez

On 5 February 2020 Yoel Suárez was summoned to Siboney Police Station in Havana where he was interrogated for three hours by a state security agent who informed him that he had been declared ‘regulado.’ The declaration effectively subjects Mr Suárez to an indefinite ban on international travel, and is a common tactic used by the Cuban authorities to target individuals who they deem ‘politically sensitive’.

As an independent journalist, Mr Suárez has worked with non-state media outlets in Cuba since 2014 and has written extensively about human rights and freedom of religion or belief issues. As a result of his work, he and his family have been subjected to regular harassment at the hands of the Cuban authorities.

Today, over six months later, Mr Suárez remains unable to travel, and he and members of his family have received multiple visits from Cuban state security agents.

Watch Mr Suárez tell his story in his own words:

Featured Image Credit: Angel del Castillo

One thought on “Voices from Cuba: Yoel Suárez

  1. Thank you for this most helpful post. Just to say, however, that, for some reason unknown to me I am receiving TWO copies of these FoRB in full posts to exactly the same gmail address. Can you please restrict it to just the one that is all that is required. Thank you. God bless you,

    Keith Rowbory

    Sent from my iPad


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